Advanced Distributed Learning System |
Advanced distributed learning system is designed to confirm to SCORM (Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model), in order to understand the importance of the system, refer to essays writers from https://essayswriters.com/ and your teachers. The intent of the SCROM specification is to ensure that a Learning Management System (LMS) allows for seamless delivery of learning from multiple content sources or institutions. The content providers have application program interfaces (APIs) to support data interchange and course structure support for the course delivery function of LMS. AcademicEdge's Admission, Registration and LMS provide a seamless system for admission, course & curriculum management, course catalog management, and course registration and lesson delivery via a remote server. Javaservlets running under IBM Websphere are used to interact with the distance learner over the web. Javaservlets deliver the appropriate lesson to the distance learner based on course catalog/course structure information resident in a notes database.
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